Sunday Thoughts-The Small Things

This week was hard. It was the first week of classes, as well as the first real week of my new job, and I was still getting settled into a new apartment. I am starting what is equivalent to my "junior core" of classes for Econ, and my classes scare the living daylights out of me. This is no longer just interesting thoughts and ideas, it's hard core calculus and statistics applied to find specific answers. My job is amazing, but this first week has been very demanding taking up more than 20 hours of work in 5 days (that's on top of being a full time student). I feel like I know the classes of my students I work with better than my own. There was more than one day when I forgot to eat until the evening, and on multiple occasions I looked at my schedule and just laughed because I didn't know how I would make it work. I'm sure we have all felt like this at least once in our lives.

Needless to say, I was pumped for the weekend, especially because one of my good friends was getting married and sealed for all eternity on Saturday. So, I got up early Saturday morning to get ready for the wedding. To add to the stress of the week, while getting into the shower I bumped the light in the bathroom, resulting in a loud CRASH and glass scattered everywhere (I still need to update my landlord about that). I hurried, cleaned it up and ran out the door to my car. It was about a 30 minute drive, which gave me plenty of time to think about all the things I needed to do this weekend to get ready for school next week. I turned a corner and saw a view similar to this:
As I was taking in the view, I felt all of my stress being replaced with my Heavenly Father's love for me. Seeing the spectacular mountains helped me remember God created this world for us, and if He is capable of creating something as beautiful as this planet, imagine what He put into creating us, His children. I know life is hard, and stressful, and sometimes it seems like there is no way we can handle everything, but I know God has given us the power to go to Him and ask for His help. You're right if you are thinking we can't handle life, because we can't on our own. We need Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father to give us that extra power to accomplish what we can't on our own.

Take in the beauty that surrounds you; the small things that are easy to overlook, like the view just outside your window. Know God loves you and He is watching over you. He gave us this world so we can have joy, so go out there and find it! 

"Adam fell that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy." 

P.S. Here's a picture from the wedding:


  1. :) I'm not surprised at how crazy your life is, and how positive you are being about it. You're too great.


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