Doing the Unexpected

A lot of unexpected things can happen in a year. Almost one year ago today I graduated from BYU.
Stole this from Mom's Facebook.
No, that is not me at prom.
That day I was positive I was going to move to Washington DC to go to grad school at George Washington University. I also figured that this summer I'd be staying in DC for an internship and then pick back up at GW for my second year. Well, none of that happened. Nothing even remotely close to that happened. 

A year ago today I didn't know that I'd be going to SAIS and living in Bologna, Italy. I didn't know that I'd have the incredible opportunity to travel around Europe and gain a new perspective on life. I had no clue that I would be spending part of this summer interning at a consulting firm in BucureČ™ti and quite possibly the other part in Ghana. I had no idea I'd be really bad at learning Russian. I didn't know that I'd be giving a talk at church tomorrow in a language I knew nothing about 8 months ago/still don't know much about (thank goodness for Google Translate). I didn't know my little brother would be on a mission.  I also didn't know that this would be the year where I discover a lot of my weaknesses. 

What I'm trying to say is that this year has been filled with so many things that I never expected to happen, and I think that's a really beautiful thing. A lot of those things have been really really good. But a lot of them have been really hard too. As I've been dealing with so many new things this year I've come to realize that anything really is possible. 

I hear stories about these amazing people who are my age doing incredible things. Starting businesses, carrying out successful development projects, making awesome Harry Potter parodies to Uptown Funk. What's stopping me from doing that? Why do I think that I have to wait until I'm rich to go out and do something meaningful with my life? I don't. This year I've learned that if I put my mind to something, I can go out and do things I never thought possible.


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